Momo Ichigo is a story-driven adventure game inspired by Japanese folklore and mythology.
The game was a collaborative project that received overwhelmingly positive feedback at Insomnia Gaming Festival 64 and The Wales Game Development Show.

Alice Winter - Momo Ichigo Prototype Development Showreels

Follow these links to read more about the visual design, game design and level design processes.

Design Lead
- Led UE4 development for a 3D adventure game.
- Designed core features and systems.
- Collaborated on narrative and level design.
- Represented the team at industry events.
- Mentored junior team members and assisted with goal setting.
- Planned and facilitated student workshops.
- Created design briefs and reference documents.
- Facilitated and led meetings and feedback sessions.

Game Designer
- Created detailed design documents to communicate a cohesive vision across all departments. 
- Designed and prototyped gameplay features, game systems and menu flows.
- Pitched features to the team during concept phase.
- Worked closely with cross-discipline teams to build an engaging and believable game world. 
Storytelling and AI [Unreal Blueprint Development]
Storytelling and AI [Unreal Blueprint Development]
Level Gameplay [Unreal Blueprint Development]
Level Gameplay [Unreal Blueprint Development]
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Enemy AI and Combat [Unreal Blueprint Development]
Enemy AI and Combat [Unreal Blueprint Development]
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Environment and Level Design
Design Research -Personal Photography in Japan
Design Research -Personal Photography in Japan
Design Research -Personal Photography in Japan
Design Research -Personal Photography in Japan
Design Research -Personal Photography in Japan
Design Research -Personal Photography in Japan
Initial Character Concepts
Initial Character Concepts
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