Momo Ichigo has a few core themes communicated through its visual design, audio and gameplay.
Then, there are a number of sub-themes more subtly built-in to the game's design.
In the first few areas of Momo Ichigo, I wanted to introduce some of these themes, as well as the player characters, the world, and its lore.
[Note: Some information regarding the design and gameplay for the following levels has been redacted in order to restrict access to certain details of the game and its story prior to release]
The game begins to the west of the map, in the main Seidai area. Seidai is a trade hub, while also being home to the Sovereign and his palace.
Design Goals:
+ To introduce the game’s protagonists, with an emphasis on contrast.
+ To ease the player into the game world and its lore.
+ To teach the player that their actions in the game have consequences.
+ To introduce the game’s protagonists, with an emphasis on contrast.
+ To ease the player into the game world and its lore.
+ To teach the player that their actions in the game have consequences.
Odayaka Lake
In the game’s first playable area, we see Ichigo standing alone at the edge of a serene lake, reminiscing about past times spent with her brother. This level has no music, only ambient nature sounds.
Lake level prototype images
The level also has a unique fixed camera facing Ichigo at the lake’s edge. I wanted the player to see how isolated and cut-off from the world Ichigo is at this point, from a social perspective. And how the memory of her brother is the only real ‘closeness’ that she feels.
Here, we can see she is most relaxed when alone.
The calmness of the scene is soon interrupted by the Sovereign’s messenger, who yells to Ichigo from off-screen. Once he appears, music begins, as if Ichigo has been pulled from her serene isolation, back into the real-world.
Once player control begins, I wanted to give the player a chance to understand why this is such a special place for Ichigo. Some interaction points that hint to her past and how it is tied to this location are highlighted around the level.
Seidai Market
The next area entered by the player is Seidai Market, a bustling trade hub, with merchants just setting up for the day.
In this area, there are interaction points highlighted that hint at the kind of people who live here, and the simple, peaceful lives they lead. The player can also interact with citizen NPCs to gain insight into their traditionalist attitudes and beliefs.
Market reference images
In this level, I wanted to teach the player that their actions have consequences by presenting a simple quest with different outcomes, depending on the choices they make in the quest dialogue. The player can choose how they respond, and the consequences of this are almost immediately evident.
Seidai Market Entrance
Once the player has completed the quest in this area, they can move on through the exit.
At this point, focus switches between characters and the player is introduced to Momo.
Seidai Palace
The palace level begins as Momo sits in the Palace Library, listening to Sakuranbo telling a story.
The palace level begins as Momo sits in the Palace Library, listening to Sakuranbo telling a story.
Here, I wanted to introduce the player to some of Momo's child-like qualities, a unique mix of curiosity and naivety. By introducing Momo as she actively engages with another character, I hoped to show an immediate contrast between her social integration and Ichigo's isolation.
Here, we can see that Momo is happiest when interacting with others.
Within the library, the player can interact with instruments, books, and art to gain insight into the kind of life that Momo may have led until this point.
An unusual bookshelf will also be highlighted with use of light and contrast to draw the players attention. Momo will comment on its placement upon interaction and the player will have an opportunity to return to it when solving a puzzle later in the level.
Palace library layout
Once the player exits the library, they will find themselves in the Palace Grounds exterior. I wanted to emphasise contrast again here by creating a large and lavish environment, with a noticeably high walled-exterior. This design decision was to made to accentuate the opulence of Momo's life, in direct comparison with Ichigo's simple, yet arduous one.

Palace building model and initial reference images
Around the palace, the player has the option of interacting with Momo's friends, as well as aristocrats strolling through the grounds. Through various dialogue options, the player will uncover more about the Sovereign, Momo's role in the game world and issues she has faced in the past.
Certain areas, specifically in the Living Quarters are unavailable to the player at this point, and can be unlocked by completing quests for NPCs around the palace.
The decision to cut-off these areas from the player was made in order to preserve the intended pacing of the level. I wanted the player to discover more about Momo and the game world before moving onto the final objective of the area. Doing so allows for steadier progress when solving puzzles and more informed player decisions.